BMWK-project SyntheseREADY
BMWK-project SyntheseREADY – Development of flexible combined-heat-and-power plants for sector coupling
The aim of the project is the development of improved combined-heat-and-power (CHP) biomass plants by researching the option to produce green renewable gas (substitute natural gas, SNG) in addition to their current products: domestic heat and electricity. To achieve this goal, a fixed bed gasification process is modified in order to obtain a suitable synthesis gas for further downstream applications. This necessitates the implementation of an efficient oxyfuel/steam gasification processes which ought to be flexible to allow intermittent plant operation. Consequently, a key focus of this project is the development of an improved, intelligent, flexible, demand-oriented process control and load prediction system. This results in modern CHP plants which additionally serve a systemic purpose with regard to sector integration and energy storage. The SyntheseREADY project demonstrates the overall technical concept in pre-pilot scale including the intelligent process control system, further adding a profound techno-economic assessment. The key benefits of the proposed approach are the high potential and especially its very short time-to-market.

Department of Chemical and Biological EngineeringSteffen Leimbach, M. Sc.
Lehrstuhl für Energieverfahrenstechnik