Field trip for the lecture “Renewable Energies”

Field trip for the Renewable Energies lecture Group foto

The annual excursion for the Renewable Energies lecture, organized by the Chair of Energy Process Engineering, took place from December 2 to December 4, 2024, with 18 students participating.

The first day featured a visit to the Leipzig electricity exchange (EEX), where students gained insights into the range of products traded on the exchange. This was followed by a tour of Leipzig’s sewage treatment plant, which provided not only a detailed look at wastewater treatment processes but also information about the plant’s planned expansion in the coming years.

After spending the night in Leipzig and enjoying the city’s Christmas market, the second day began with a visit to the Remondis PET recycling plant. The itinerary then took the group to the cement works in Karsdorf, where they observed how lime is extracted and processed into cement.

Following an overnight stay in Weimar, the final day commenced with a tour of a flexibilised biogas plant in Nohra. Here, the students learned how biogas tanks are used as gas storage facilities, enabling electricity production on demand through an additional combined heat and power (CHP) unit. The excursion concluded with a visit to the combined cycle power plant in Rudolstadt. Alongside a guided tour, discussions focused on the future prospects of the site.

Field trip for the Renewable Energies lecture