Thermochemical Conversion and Chemical Energy Storage
Working group Thermochemical Conversion and Chemical Energy Storage
The use of hydrogen-rich synthesis gases from the allothermal gasification of biomass and other solid fuels and the synthesis of regenerative hydrogen are an essential option in order to satisfy the energy demand also in the heat and transport sector.
Under the direction Dr.-Ing. Peter Treiber the working group is working with the generation of CO2-free SNG and biological methanation.
The focus of current research lies on the analysis and elaboration of higher hydrocarbons (“tars”) and organic sulfur components of nickel catalysts and technologies for hot gas purification for the decentralised use of biogenic synthesis gases for combined heat and power generation. The experimental equipment of the chair is also available for external services (e.g. tar analysis, ash analysis, etc.). Two “small carburetors” can be used to provide real synthesis gas for syntheses with new catalysts or microorganisms in continuous operation.
Current projects:
- EU-Project CarbonNeutralLNG
- BMWi-project: ORBIT II
- BMWi-project BiogasGoesHydrogen
- BMWi-project: KonditorGas
- BMWi-project: IntenseMethane
- BMEL-project: FlexBiomethane
- BMWi-project: Power-to-Biogas
- BMWK-project: SyntheseREADY
- BMWK-project: BioProcessHeat
Completed projects:
Dr.-Ing. Peter Treiber
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Energieverfahrenstechnik
- Phone number: 09115302-99035
- Email: